Visual communication has become an essential part of the branding process and it has gained a lot of importance over the years after the growth of mediums like Television and more recently, Social networking platforms have added a lot to the backdrop of visual identify.
World is very visual:
We live in an extremely visual world. No doubt that text plays a very important part, but brands have taken a very serious note about the visual identity of their brands.
source:youthofest(dot)com |
The role of Trans Media in Visual communication:
The whole process of creating a visual identity is a rigorous process and is handled by our experts. We live in a world of Trans- media ruled by Television, internet and newspapers .In the Transmedia there is an extended telling of the story. In the story, the whole story is told across mediums by parting the story and telling it across mediums. Take for example the a superhero movie-the story is told on the comic book, made into a television cartoon series, then made into a computer game and also made into a mobile app or a game.
The visual sense:
Visual identity here plays a very important role. Vision is one of the senses. Research shows that every time you view an image it gets seated in your mind and your senses more than it gets registered with any other of your senses.
Mosaic of Visuals:
Achieving a visual coherence can be difficult but is possible. Making a visual brand identity is like putting pieces and parts of a brand together. It’s like putting a mosaic together rather than a making one single uniform floor. The latter is good but the former attracts more attention. The tools that shape a brand are not necessarily inside the organization always. Many a times the identity of the brand is shaped by people who are outside the organization.
Visual elements like logo, colors used, images, typeface used create a large perception of the brand. The composition of messages, colors, and a similar message can often be said in different ways .It may mean the same but then it plays an important role in the way it is communicated to the audience.
Social media in visual communication:
Branding takes anew turn in the age of social media. We live in the age of Facebook, twitter, blogs, Pinterest and Instagram. So communication undergoes much more changes and it becomes more complex. In this way creating a visual brand identity calls for a strategic approach towards the brand.
Visual Communication has over the years has gained importance in media circles over its popularity with the public. A popular proverb says “A picture speaks a thousand words”. Not everyone might agree with the adage but as a fact it holds true. Ever since the invention of Photography and technologies that aid visual images, there has been a sea change in the way we communicate and that has enforced itself into branding and the way we consume media.